Saturday, September 10, 2011

How to Care for Dentures

How to care for your dentures?  Yeah, I realize that this is not exactly an exciting topic.  However I am surprised by how few patients have been given pointers on how to increase the life and use of their dentures.  So here we go:
  • Don't sleep in your dentures.  Just as you remove your socks and shoes at night, you should also remove your dentures.  Your gums and jaw bones need time to rest without pressure on them.  Wearing dentures constantly can lead to fungal infections of the mouth, oral candidiasis.  Also, the constant wear and tear on the gums and jaw bone can speed up bone loss and make dentures fit looser.
  • Clean dentures gently.  Using a soft face cloth, liquid hand soap, and cool water, wash your dentures inside and out just as you would a dish.  Gently scrub away all food and dental plaque to prevent stains or odors.  Rinse denture thoroughly and store in a plastic denture case filled with water.  You can add either a teaspoon of white vinegar or bleach to the water to prevent bacterial growth.  Change the water in the denture case daily.  
  • For stubborn stains, scrub stained areas with a denture brush and a little baking soda mixed with water.  Do not use the brush every day or over the entire surface of the denture as it will scratch the denture and make it pick up stains and odors quickly.  You may also dissolve effervescent denture cleaning tablets in the water of the denture case to help fight stains as needed.
  • Professional Dental cleaning:  You should have a yearly oral exam with your dentist to check for any signs of oral cancer, fungal infections, loose fit, or wear of your denture.  At that visit, ask about having your denture professionally cleaned.  We provide this service free to patients at my office during their regular exam and/ or cleaning.
  • Keep Dentures away from pets!  Always store your dentures out of reach from pets.  For what ever reason, dogs especially like to chew up dentures.
  • Problems? Call your dentist.  If your denture cracks or you break a tooth off your denture, call your dentist.  DO NOT use super glue! It can melt your denture and ruin it.
So these are the basic steps that can help extend the life and use of your dentures. Happy smiling!